Monday, August 2, 2010

Still alive, new posts to come in the future c:

Sorry for totally leaving this blog out to die. I will be re-doing this blog within the next few weeks.

Just a quick update since my last repertoire list. All lenses were ordered in prescription. The lenses I have worn or ordered are as follows:

EOS Max Pure Green 14.5mm
EOS Dollyeye Green 14.2mm
EOS Dollyeye Blue 14.2mm
EOS Dollyeye Violet 14.2mm
EOS Dollyeye Grey 14.2mm
Hana SPC Hyper Circle Brown 14.5mm*
Geo Nudy Brown 14.0mm*
Barbie King Size Grey 14.5mm

*Hana SPC and Geo Nudy will not be reviewed; I ripped the lenses by accident before I could review them.

Preordered i.Fairy Ruby Red 15.2mm (supposedly, but some reviews say 14.6mm) from

I ordered all my dollyeye lenses back when Tokioshine had them in prescription, the max pure, barbie, and hana spc from pinkyparadise, the geos from honeycolor, and the preorder from de mois, pour vous on livejournal.