Hana SPC Hyper Circle Grey 14.5mm
(Yup... these are supposed to be grey. I even emailed Pinkyparadise and they confirmed it.)
Purchased from Pinkyparadise in prescription.Diameter: 14.5mm Base Curve 8.6
Product Manufacturer: Vassen (Product Code unknown)
Photo taken indoors, no flash, next to window.
Color: 3/10
They're a really dark grey color, which isn't really my thing. They almost look black on my eyes. At first, I thought I received the Hyper Circle Black lenses by accident, but I emailed Pinkyparadise and they said the black was very similar to the grey. It does look grey in bright lighting, but doesn't stand out. Definitely NOT opaque.
Design: 8/10
Design: 8/10
A very natural design with a medium sized pupil hole (smaller than the EOS Max Pure, larger than the Dollyeye) with nice specks of color.
Enlargement: 9/10
Enlargement: 9/10
The enlargement is the same as other 14.5mm lenses.
Comfort: 9/10
Comfort: 9/10
Doesn't dry out too easily, didn't need eyedrops after wearing it for 8 hours yesterday.
For me, it's a "meh" lens. I saw pictures of it on the fuckyeahcirclelenses Tumblr and thought it was such a pretty grey color, very light, but when I actually got it, I was really disappointed. I really wonder if I did receive the right lens though. But it's a really dark grey, though it does look really glossy and enlarge your eyes. I suppose if you're looking for a natural grey color, this is a great lens. But if you're looking for a medium grey, definitely not the lens for you. I'm trying to find a good grey lens that isn't too dark (like the Barbie King Size Grey, which are pretty dark), but not too freakishly bright like the Dollyeye Greys. Right now I'm looking at the i.Fairy Hanabi Grey.
tl;dr -- Not a great lens for color if you're looking for bright grey, but comfortable and enlarging.
Stock/Example photos: This is definitely not what I got. A bit disappointed. Credit to Pinkyparadise and fuckyeahcirclelenses Tumblr for the photos.
Comparison to Barbie King Size Circle Grey

I'm looking down so my eyes look tired!

Sadly, the Barbie King Size Grey is brighter and more noticeable than the Hana SPC Grey... I was hoping when I purchased the Hana SPCs that it would be a really pretty light grey.
Now, if you're looking for a REALLY light grey, I have the Dollyeye Greys... they're a little too intense for me though.
Reviews on the Barbie King Size Grey and Dollyeye Grey will come up sooner or later.