Dueba Puffy 3-Tone Blue 14.5mm
Also known as Dueba Shinny Aqua
Purchased from Pinkyparadise in prescriptionDiameter: 14.5mm Base Curve: 8.6
Product Manufacturer: Dueba
Color: 9/10
The color is actually very bright and a really pretty blue, and the small burst of brown in the middle makes it really stand out. It shows up really well on my brown eyes.
Design: 10/10
The design is really lovely and natural, and the brown in the middle really gives it a nice transition from my natural color. I think the design works well for both dark and light colored eyes.
Enlargement: 7/10
Though the product is 14.5mm, as you can see from the 2nd photo, the color/enlarging effect is smaller than the actual diameter (a larger discrepancy from my usual lenses). I think the actual enlargement is around 14.0mm.
Comfort: 9/10
My eyes did not feel any stinging or irritation throughout the day from wearing them and didn't really need eyedrops, though they did dry out quicker than my EOS lenses in comparison.
A good blue lens that's very pretty and great for both natural and cosplay effects, but it doesn't really enlarge. I would recommend this lens for a bright and eyepopping blue color.
EOS Dollyeye Blue vs. Dueba Puffy 3-Tone Blue
Comparison Shots:As you can see from the photo, the Dollyeye Blue is a little more enlarging and more eye-popping, but the Dueba Puffy Blue is more natural and subdued. The pupil hole for the Dueba lens is also larger. Both lens are really nice, it just really depends what you want from the lens -- natural, enlarging, bright, etc.
Similar Products: Dollyeye Blue, Geo Twins Blue, Neo Vision Glamour Blue
Note: Ekimura has done a review on the Dueba 3 Tone Puffy Turquoise (available from Pinkyparadise). It's got a more greenish hue than these blue lenses, like Hatsune Miku's eye color.